The module_name must be defined at least once. If multiple definitions are given the last one is used. The produced wrapping consists of the following files:
Bear in mind, that you also need sip.lib and of course a lib with your classes to be wrapped.
The imported .sip file is parsed. %ExportedHeaderCode and %ExportedDoc sections are extracted. %HeaderCode, %C++Code, %ExposeFunction, %Copying, %PrePyCode, %PyCode, %Doc and %Makefile blocks are ignored.
The wrapping python file imports the dynamic lib libimport_module_namec (as .pyd or .dll) before libmodule_namec.
This does not mean though, that the imported lib is available as a wrapped module as well. To achieve this, you have to import too.
$$$ I'm not sure whether i understand this correctly yet and where the advantage of this approach lies.